Learning Bridge Program

Early learning is critical to preparing children to succeed. The YMCA offers the Learning Bridge Program to all families. Our program is a structured, academic enrichment program that reinforces concepts taught in your child’s classroom based on state and district standards.

Children who attend kindergarten readiness programs are more likely to attend college.

Children in TK programs are more prepared to enter kindergarten with maturity and skills they need to excel.

TK acts as a bridge between a flexible play and learning environment and a more structured academic setting.

Program At A Glance

Learning Bridge is a structured, academic enrichment program that reinforces concepts taught in your child’s classroom based on state and district standards. This program operates on all school days from transitional kindergarten (TK) dismissal until all school dismissal. Extended child care also available until 6pm. Learning Bridge is available for children ages 4.9 and up.

Core Components of the Program:

  • Language Arts/Literacy
  • Science/Technology
  • Construction/Problem Solving
  • Mathematics/Manipulative Activities
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Character Development
  • Inclusion support for children with special needs

For more information or to register now, please fill out the form and a YMCA representative will contact you as soon as possible.

Click here for a map of all locations.

Financial Assistance

The YMCA is proud of its heritage and commitment to make its character-building, family enriching programs available to everyone in the communities we serve. Annually, we receive support from hundreds of members, community leaders, and businesses who believe in our purpose and contribute generously to our Annual Campaign, investing in youth and families. Funds are distributed to families with a financial need in our community.

Financial Assistance Form

Contact Us

  • Please select your child's school. If services at your selected school are not available, we will notify you of the nearest available after school care locations.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Briefly tell us your family's needs so we can best assist you.